Develop, manage and update Marketing Databases: the database is a fundamental asset of any business.

“Now that the marketing concept has become consolidated, that its technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated and that marketing has turned into targeted marketing, the database is a feature and a necessity of direct marketing”.

The management of marketing data through IT tools, whether they are proprietary databases or CRM applications, is a critical success factor since it allows data and information from internal and external sources to be integrated into a single information structure, allowing effective use in the planning and definition of commercial and marketing campaigns.

Unlike other business processes, subject to more static and necessarily more rigid logics, marketing and related information represent and extremely dynamic and constantly evolving entity, able to preserve its strategic value only in the face of constant updates and extensions.

The available information can therefore be, in real time, shared, updated and expanded, naturally in compliance with the privileges assigned to the different users, whether they belong to the company or to external entities responsible for carrying out specific actions on data or direct campaigns.

There are multiples activities that can be carried out.

  • Data entry also through remote access and/or web applications of information and marketing data on proprietary databases located at the customer
  • Data cleansing of the Marketing database using rules given by the customer, deduplication of records (the double); in addition to standard automatisms, we scrupulously analyze the data, to achieve greater database efficiency; generates negativity in the client or in the prospect to be contacted several times during a campaign
  • Normalisation of anagraphical data based on the record layout provided by the customer, to guarantee correct delivery and therefore greater effectiveness of direct campaigns, but also for better perception by the target, for example checking the accuracy of an address, verifying the proper names in person facilitating the attribution of the right title
  • Cross check and merging of files of even different formats to clean the database
  • Qualification of registries and profiling of present and/or new contacts through web research – phone recall – social media

The activity is carried out in compliance with the current privacy laws (new GDPR). However to use these names and the relative e-mail it’s necessary to recall it ONLY to verify the data, emphasizing the GDPR. The call will have the purpose of the formal and licit consent for marketing activities as established by the current GDPR, in fact it will be always possible to trace during what call and to which operator the information has been given. The profilation by web it’s a verification, it will have more than a pricing also a different business card than a profilation by call

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