The client company wanted to organize an event to include the highest-grossing Italian manufacturing and services companies, and also key groups in the banking, financial, insurance industries across the Country.
- Standardized all uneven files produced from the private sales network, as well as the information about existing clients and prospect, into a digital structure;
- Checked for redundant entries and normalize the resulting list
- Retrieved phone numbers of target companies
- Retrieved name and e-mail of the desired contact through the web when recall was not possible;
- Increased the target list obtained from the company’s internal sources (about 22,000) with about 10,000 new, externally sourced numbers, in order to reach a redemption of participation of around 1,000 people.
- Proceeded with e-mailing to about 32,000 contacts to promote the event;
- Followed up with traditional e-mailing containing all documents of the event, agenda and participation coupon.
- Managed a push activity through the phone to about 8000 selected people.
- Gathered the subscriptions through e-mail or inbound phone calls on a dedicated line.
- Provided information on inbound calls
- Registered and monitored received subscriptions;
- Compiled daily reports on the outcome of the campaign and on the subscriptions.
Campaign and follow up results
About 1200 people attended the event and we then sent a CD Rom to the participants containing records of the event.
The final report showed the campaign output. Besides the ongoing clients the record contained information about the telephone push and the inbound calls received. Some of these had the date of the participants’ subscription, how they subscribed (e-mails of phone calls) and the reason why of the negative responses.